60 & Skating backwards down SF hills


SPREADING ROLLIGION!!! It is the task we have taken on to spread the joy of roller skating to all our communities in San Francisco and beyond!!! On Saturday, May 4, 2019, The Church of 8 Wheels will be bringing our special brand of roller skating to the people in the Bayview/Hunters Point . It's called the Hunters Point Skate Groove!!! This will happen once a month  May to October!!! We're bringing the skates, We're bringing the music. We're bringing the party and it's all FREE FREE FREE!!!

Hunter's Point Shoreline Park is an absolutely wonderful place for roller skating!!! It was an old power plant that has been transformed into a wonderful park where you can fly a kite and roller skate at the same time. t's another wonderful gem for the City and we plan to get you there with wheels on you feet.

Come help us spread rolligion at the Hunters Point Skate Groove!!!  Spread the word!!! This monthly event is being presented by the Church of 8 Wheels Roller Disco, DMJ Skate Sports Marketing in partnership with NOW Hunters Point, a project supported by PG&E.



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