Sunday, July 24, 2016 - 1PM to 4PM

 When riots broke out in Baltimore over the death of Freedy Grey, local rollerskaters were part of calming the crowds spreading rolligion at a time when it was really needed.  San Francisco roller skaters will showcase the love, diversity and comradery of our skating community in San Francisco at the San Francisco Skaters Showcase.

ROLLIGION  is on a roll in San Francisco.  The Church of 8 Wheels roller disco in San Francisco has people rediscovering just how much fun life with wheels on your feet can be.  While most churches hold services on Sundays, the Holy Rollers of the Church of 8 Wheels hold our rolligious services every Sunday at Skatin’ Place, 6th Ave and Kennedy Drive in Golden Gate Park.

On Sunday July 24, 2016, San Francisco’s roller skaters will gather at Skatin’ Place, 6th Ave and JFK Drive in Golden Gate Park for an event called, “The San Francisco Skaters Showcase”.  Roller skaters from throughout the Bay Area will roll in to show off their skills on the wheels.  There will be single, pairs and group performances.  There’s even a segment for the audience to come join in the line dance as we all do the “Cupid Shuffle”.

In 1987, the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Dept. closed the 6th Ave. and Fulton entrance to Golden Gate Park to car traffic. Nearly 30 years later it is the best example of how a public outdoor roller rink can bring joy to thousands of people. Whether you’re skating or on the hillside watching, spend a Sunday afternoon here and you will agree that this is the happiest place in the park.

The event is free!!!  Just get a spot on the grass and watch the show. D. Miles, San Francisco’s GodFather of Skate will serve as your MC for the day.  Roller skating is getting people moving and getting fit. It’s fun, interactive and we are inviting the public and check it all out. We plan to show you why we consider our skating here a rolligious experience!!!  We’re going to have a funky good time!!!


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